Starting from:


Hi-Fi Ink Print Order

NOTE: These routines are a subset of the full Hi-Fi Ink Separations and Hi-Fi Ink Halftones. If you have already purchased either one, these actions and scripts are already included in those packages.


This Photoshop add-on will automatically rename and designate your spot channel sequential print order. This channel information can then be printed on your film. It works via the actions panel with the accompanying scripts.


Note: These routines only work on Photoshop spot channels.


There are 4 routines in total. 2 Prefix and 2 suffix.


The Prefix routine renames your channels as follows:

1 - "Current Channel Name"

2 - "Current Channel Name"

3 - "Current Channel Name"

4 - "Current Channel Name"

...and so on depending on the number of spot channels you have.


The Prefix Alt routine renames your channels as follows:
1 of 4 - "Current Channel Name"
2 of 4 - "Current Channel Name"
3 of 4 - "Current Channel Name"
4 of 4 - "Current Channel Name"
...and so on depending on the number of spot channels you have.


The Suffix routine renames your channels as follows:
"Current Channel Name" - 1
"Current Channel Name" - 2
"Current Channel Name" - 3
"Current Channel Name" - 4
...and so on depending on the number of spot channels you have.


The Suffix Alt routine renames your channels as follows:
"Current Channel Name" - 1 of 4
"Current Channel Name" - 2 of 4
"Current Channel Name" - 3 of 4
"Current Channel Name" - 4 of 4
...and so on depending on the number of spot channels you have.


These routines will ignore any alpha channels that may be present. Also, from the main Hi-Fi Ink Separation package, it will ignore the default spot "SHIRT" and "BASE PREVIEW" channels.